Claudy on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Claudy on Family Tree Circles

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Looking for Gamao all over the world

I'm Claudy. Im searching for all GAMAOs. My mother was a GAMAO, married to a LAPERA. Her parents were Cesar GAMAO Jr., married to Catalina VIASON. My mother's siblings were Luzviminda, Cesar Jr., Renato, Leticia and Oscar. My mother was the youngest.

They lived in San Carlos City, Negros Occidental but moved back to Escalante City during the later years of my grandparents.

Hope to hear from anybody who is a GAMAO.

Looking for Lapera

My name is Claudette and I am looking for anybody who have the last name LAPERA. I just want to know where my ancestors came from since I learned that this last name is not a Filipino last name.

My father was Francisco LAPERA. My grandfather was Angel LAPERA who married Rosina CABALLERO. As far as I know, we have relatives in Calatrava, Negros Occidental, that's as far as I know.

Hope you can tell me about your ancestors as well..

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 2 months ago