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Researching Avery (India and England), Cummin(g)s (India and England), Crozier (New Zealand and Scotland)

My research is into three families. The Averys and Cummin(gs who were in south India serving the East Indies Co Army from 1813-1870 aprox and who finished up back in England and the Croziers, who originated from the Borders region of Scotland and emigrated to New Zealand's South Island early in the 20th century via Australia.

Averys included Thomas Avery, born in south Oxfordshire circa 1793, parents Arthur and Sarah. Thomas joined the army and served in Madras Horse Artillery 18113-1833. He married a local woman Charlotte. They died in India. One of their children was Amelia.

Cummin(g)s included Amelia (nee Avery) who married an East Indies Co Army soldier Edwin Thomas Cummin)g)s in Madras 1847. They had several children and brought them to England some time between 1860 and 1870. Their children included Thomas Avery Cummin(g)s and Charles Alfred Cummin(g)s. Thomas Avery Cummin(g)s served in the British Army stationed in Kent and South Wales. Charles Alfred Cummin(g)s became a police officer in Manchester.

Croziers included Janet Crozier who married a Hugh Donald who became a well known baker in Invercrgill NZ.

Below is an image of Charlotte Avery's grave in the disused Agram Cemetery, Bangalore, India.

2 comment(s), latest 8 years, 7 months ago