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Category: Cadwalader

George Washington Brock - what I know

George Washington Brock (1811-1859)and Mary Elizabeth Haines (1819-1854):
1) Mary Jane - (1837-1916)
2) Adaline - (1839-)
3) Stapelton Corwin -(1842-1860)
4) Jesse Cowen - (1844-1917)
5) Benjamin Franklin - (1846-1914)
6) Elizabeth Ann - (1848-)
7) Alonzo Philander - (1851-1938)

Ester Shattock
8) William Henry (1857)

George moved from Belmont County in 1833 and ended up around Fulton, IL. "Eliza" died in 1854 in IL. He moved to Kansas sometime after Eliza's passing. It seems that Mary Jane had married Thomas T Cadwalader and they accompanied him. George returned to IL, married Ester Shattock in 1856 and returned to Kansas. William was born in 1857. George passed away Sep 2, 1859 and is buried in the Gardner Cemetery in Gardner, Kansas. Four of his children were then taken care of by their sister Mary Jane and Thomas T Cadwalader: Jesse, Benjamin, Elizabeth and Alonzo which is provided by the 1860 Federal Census. Neither Adaline or Stapelton were mentioned in the census although Stapelton died in Feb, 1860 which would have been before the census was completed. He is buried next to his father.

(I think George might have lived in two different areas within Kansas. He might have lived in Franklin County first and then Johnson County. I get this because it seems he died in Olathe, is buried in Gardner, but Mary Jane lived in Franklin)

I visited the Gardner Cemetery and found the two graves. I also found two additional graves of a boy and girl Cadwalader which I'm assuming were Mary Jane and Thomas's children. They ultimately ended up in Oklahoma.

Jesse and Benjamin returned to IL and married two of Thomas's sisters respectively, Sarah and Susan.