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Category: Holland

Schoonhoven, Holland

Schoonhoven, a picturesque little town which lies to the north east of Rotterdam owed its fame to its silver industry. In the late 18th century it had about 2500 residents and it's town council was involved in the conflict between the Patriots and those on the side of the House of Orange (some old Dutch problems). Here lived a man called Pieter Dros who was baptised 16th March 1690. He was the son of Willem Dros (baptised 1660) and Jannetje Willemsdr Van Mein. The marriage of the couple took place in Schoonhoven on 21st March 1681.
When Pieter was 24 years old he married his first wife Aaitje Blanke. Their marriage lasted until at least 1729 when their 5th child was born. Then Pieter became widowed. Shortly after on the 21st May 1730, Pieter married Jannigje Leeuwerk. The marriage took place in Schoonhoven. The couple had at least seven children, one of which was Gijsbert Dros who was baptised on 25th December 1733 (4x great grandfather).