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lisamarie on Family Tree Circles

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Clark Joyce Laverne of Mount Shasta area. Cal.

Joy is what she likes to be called. She has a good son and his name is Grant and I think his fathers name is Matthew. Joy is one of the most sweetest people I know and miss. Joyce please find this and contact me at 415-681-7099.

looking for "Yoshie Cale " of Los Angeles & sur. area of Ca.

Yoshie is about 75 yrs old. Has a daughter named Judy. Daughter has a resteraunt or works in one. Yoshie has Grandchildren and one she exspecially likes. She has had some tough times but she a good person. She reminds me of my Grandmother. I love her as a friend.

Searching for "SAWYER" & "CODEY" of OK.,TX. & CA.

I have been searching for most of my adult life for my Father. He and my mother were only 18 and when I was 6 moths old he was gone. My mother said he had stolen the money she had for my formula. I like to think that she made that up because she was angry at him for leaving here. I questioned any family members that had been around back in 1968. Thank godness my Grandmother had 5 kids that all grew up around me. That gave me better odds of finding out anything about my Father. Not to forget my Uncles who my Mother also softened her voice when speaking of them. I have a srong rememberance of one Uncle perticularly. I remember feeling so safe when he was near and to look in his eyes,they were filled with kindness and Love.
I found out that my father was brutily murdered last Month.I was pregnant with what would have been his 4 granchildren.A set of beautiful healthy TWINS. My first son I named Richard after my father.
I was so hoping I could have a Grandmother again and I am named after my Fathers Mother Marie Codey Sawyer and George Melvin Sawyer. Jeoy and Calvin. I know more names not but I would love to know the people. Marie Louis and Lucy. Bless you all,Peace to all fellow souls as we share this short time here and in these shells we will emrege from when we leave here. My shells to tight anyway...ha.

1 comment(s), latest 10 years, 10 months ago