Looking for information on Rena Stafford. She is listed at USGENWEB/...

Looking for information on Rena Stafford. She is listed at USGENWEB/CLAY, GEORGIA marriages as married to Thomas Shaw Dec 9, 1875. No Rena Stafford has been found in the 1870 census prior to marrying Thomas Shaw. To this union were 6 children: James, Celia, Lillie, Emmitt, Thomas and Clovy(?) (census hard to read). The 1880 census was search for Thomas and Rena, but they were not listed. There was a Rhoena in the 1880 census for Henry County, AL living with a Thomas Shaw. Their daughter Lillie was listed in the Clay County Georgia marriage book as married to Lovett Cornelous Jan 5, 1919. A Lillie cornelous died Oct 8, 1919. According to her death certificate her parents were: Thomas Shaw and Rena Stafford.
Cant find Rena Stafford in the census prior to 1875.