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Robert W Andrews

Born in Dale co Al. in 1920 Joined the Army Dec. * 1941 lived in San Francisco Ca. untill death

George Perry of N.C. and Dale Co. Al.PERRY

I hit a brick wall with George Perry born abt 1831 in North Carolina and moved to Dale Co. Al. his wife was Mary Ann I don't know her maideen name. They had 7 children Jane, Elizabeth,Sarah, Julia, Caroline Martha Ann, Mary, and Josephine

Looking for Andrews in North Carolina

I have gone back to 1831 on my

mother\'s side to George Perry born in North Carolina and moved to Dale county Alabama
On my father\'s side to James Andrews who lived with Nancy Pritchett in North Carolina on the 1870 federal census in Guilford co. or Jefferson
I wonder if he and his brother Barnet landed in N.C. about that time?
married Evarilla Ann ? they had 5 children, Robert W., John N,William H Barry and Elizabeth
James was born about 1819