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Looking for Jessie Plunket

Jessie Plunket , nee Baker married William Minifie Field in June 1912. Her husband died during the war in 1918 and she later remarried John Plunket. She had 3 children, Joyce(28/10/1912), William John(1/11/1913) & Charles Minifie(31/3/1915).
Her father was John Baker and mother's maiden name was Margaret Smith.
Her Grandfather was Henry Evans Baker of Ballarat who passed away in 1890- I believe there are many tributes to his life in Ballarat including telescopes designed by him which are to be found at the Oddy Observatory.
She was my grandmother, dying several hours after I was born in January 1951.
I am seeking any information about both she and my grandfather and other family members.

1 comment(s), latest 10 years, 10 months ago