LeslieMc on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

LeslieMc on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

McGillicuddy from County Kerry and to U.S and Canada

Looking for Info on McGillicuddy Family.Cornelius McGillicuddy b abt. 1838 married Mary Breen in County Kerry,Ireland. Children--Mary Ellen + Margaret McGillicuddy.
Wondering if this couple had more children and the parents and siblings of Cornelius and Mary Breen.

Drew Family from Fitzroy,Carleton,Ontario to Ridgeville,Mb.

Samuel Drew and Kitty Kingston [daughter of John Kingston] family originally from Cornwall with 9 children settled in Ontario.Son James Drew and wife Isabella Ann Reynolds [daughter of Samuel Reynolds from Kingston,Ontario]settled in Stuartburn/Ridgeville, Manitoba.Children Mary Drew married R.H. Metcalfe,Isabella Drew married Silas Parks.Looking for family related to any of the above.

McNulty's from Roscommon,Ireland

John McNulty and Catherine Morriss left Ireland in the late 1800's.Settled in Burslam,England for short time and then to Brandon,Manitoba.Children were James,Edmond,John,Thomas and more. Would like to know John's parents!!
Leslie McNulty

1 comment(s), latest 15 years, 7 months ago


Looking for info on Drew Family who left Sussex Eng. for Ontario and then to Manitoba before 1900.James Drew and Isabella Ann Reynolds.James parents were Kitty Kingston and Samuel Drew.