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William George BROMBY B:approx 1811 in Lincolnshire is my Gr Gr...

William George BROMBY B:approx 1811 in Lincolnshire is my Gr Gr Grandafather.
He married an Ann WOODMANSEY in East Yorkshire in 1849.
My Gr Grandfather is George William BROMBY b; 1865 in East Yorkshire.
He married Ida WILSON.
My Grandfather is William George BRUMBY b:1896 in Hull East Yorkshire who married Alice Mary TOWSE and my mother is Evelyn BRUMBY b: 1932.

I have lots of information about this BROMBY /BRUMBY family but require more info on the family from Lincolnshire before 1800.

The surname seems to have changed on the census with my Gr Grandfather in 1881 as it has been miss interpreted.

Look forward to hearing from the BROMBY"S!

1 comment(s), latest 8 years, 4 months ago