Mummyof7 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Obsessed about family history

My name is Theresa Rousseu; my maiden name being Ellis. I'm looking for anyone with info on the Ellis family history. This is quickly becoming an obsession for me. My mum's family is very easy to access, but my dad's family history is proving very elusive. As $$$ is super tight right now, I can't use, as much as I'd love to. I do know that my paternal grandmother's maiden name was Anne Ineson and she married Albert Ellis. Anne's parents were Tobias Ineson and Ellen Bartley. Albert's parents were Selwyn Ellis and Florence Broadwith. I have found plenty of Ellises but none that would appear to be the branch I'm looking for. Any advice or info that someone can provide for me will be greatly and deeply appreciated, if only to satisfy my curiosity. Thank you!!!

10 comment(s), latest 9 years, 11 months ago