Nikkie on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Nikkie on Family Tree Circles

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Looking for Eldridge of Kenyon, AR or Swifton, AR

My husband is Ira Luther Eldridge, named after both grandfathers
His dad was Lones M Eldridge and his dad was Luther Mau Eldridge.

In the early 1900's, Luther lived in a community called Kenyon,just outside Swifton.

I have found a Milley M Tenseley who has a son named LM Eldridge of the right age to be grandpa Luther but have been unable to verify it.

At this point I am stalled but still looking. Will accept all the help I can get!


Eldridge Family Tree

Looking for Eldridge of Kenyon, AR

I am looking for my husband's family. His father was Lones M Elridge,his paternal grandfather was Luther Mau Eldridge. I found him on a 1930 census as living in Swifton, Glass, Jackson, AR. On the Jackson Co marriage records, I found he married a Linnie Billingsly, also of Kenyon, on 7/25/1898. Here I have hit a "brick wall", I would appreciate any information that could lead me back to the next generation and beyond.
Nikkie Eldridge
Fayetteville, AR