RebelRose on FamilyTreeCircles - about

RebelRose on Family Tree Circles

About RebelRose

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RebelRose , from Alabama, has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2008. is researching the following names: HALE, BREWER, BROWN and 3 other(s).


Hobbies and interests: let's see, I like to work in crafts. I taught myselt to tat. That is lace making. I crochet and crotat. That is a combination of crochet and tatting. Love to ride HD's and watch Alabama football. Not at the same time of course.

My alltime favorite interest is GENEALOGY. A cousin got me interested over 10 years ago when he contacted my mom for information for his research. It took him 20 yrs to go back 1000 yrs to Charlameign. And, believe it or not, I have a line all the way back to Adam and Eve. It took a lot of help of friends and fellow genealogists to get that far.

Born in Alabama. Graduated high school and went to California for 16 years. Married a guy in the film industry. No children.

Came back to Bama. Got a associate degree in Computer Science.