beccamoody on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

beccamoody on Family Tree Circles

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decendants and family of Anders Birger Strandquist

Iam looking for info on my great great granddad Anders Birger Strandquist and his family

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 3 months ago

decendants of James MOODY and Mary LOUGHRIDGE of Ireland

My name is Rebecca Moody and I am researching my great granddad William Thomas MOODY,and his parents James Moody and Mary Loughridge,and Williams siblings, James,mary and jane...any info would be greatly appreciated.

Hi there...I was just wondering if anyone has a Abraham Moody born 1784 in Ireland (or possibly scotland)in their family tree?also looking for information on a Ann Jane Moody who married a Benjamin Owens,also in ireland..thanks everyone 220942 members have posted 66372 journals.

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