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Looking for decendants of William Thomas and Sarah (Sally) Robins - first settlers in Wellington. N.Z

William Thomas - 1805-1886 - Born: Gorran, Cornwall, England
married - Sarah Sally Robins 1812-1850 - Born St. Austwell, Cornwall.
Emigrated to NZ aboard 'Duke of Roxburgh' Feb. 1840. with 4 children - William (6 yrs) Eliza (4yrs) Henry (2 yrs) and Catherine (5mths)
They had another 4 children born in NZ - Michael (1840) Joseph (1844) John (1846) and Mary Ann (1849)

I am very interested in hearing from anyone that has information of the decendents of these Thomas family members.

William and Sarah are my G.G. Grandparents and we have put some of the pieces together but would love to contact some to the family members.

Hope to hear from you all.

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 3 months ago