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Lester family,Bedminster,Gloucester,Somerset

Looking for Lesters from Bedminster.
Have William m Rhoda (Rodda)(Grifford)both b1818/19 West Penard,Somerset.Children emigrated to NZ 1875 on"Hannibal"Bristol-Greymouth,William James 22,Sophia Mary 18,Frederick George 15,Caroline Rodda 11.Another sister Adeline (29) and son?Henry(6) stayed in England.Have trees for NZ members.
Looking for Adeline,Henry or father William siblings.
I know a family traveled to Murchison looking for relations a few years ago.Failed to use the phone book as the only Lesters in Nelson,the closest city,would have found us.Only 5 numbers to check.3 related so good odds.
Have oral history relating uncles? of above going to USA,South Africa,Australia around 1870.One stopping in each country.Anyone related?
Both William and Rhoda(Rodda)b1818/19 West Penard,Somerset.Any Lesters from here?
Anyone know:Annie Lester "Ann Dymes"XLondon-Nelson NZ arrived 2/3/1864
Elizabeth Lester 32 nurse X Middlesex "Michaelangelo"xGreymouth 31/10/1874 arrive Nelson 22/1/1875.
James Lester traveled Greymouth- Melbourne 5/9/1872 on"Sarah and Mary"

3 comment(s), latest 9 years, 6 months ago