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Researching families of John Harrison Poole of Georgia

John Harrison Poole lived in Georgia. He was first married to a Margaret O. or C. (not sure). I do not know if they divorced or if Margaret passed. He then married a much younger Martha Clementine Lewallen. Their youngest son, John Bruce Poole, is my grandfather and is married to Jennie Lou Bellamy. They reside in Stephens County which is where most of this family seems to originate as well as in the surrounding Banks, Franklin, and Jackson counties.

I think that John may have descended from William Poole of England but, I have been unable to definitly confirm this possibility. I think that John H. may be the son of Elisha M. Pool and that he had a brother of the same name. Elisha seems to be the one who had the 'e' added to the end of the surname. Both Elisha's and John H. are buried at Nails Creek Church in Banks County which is why I have reason to believe that this is the correct line. I intend to plan a trip to the cemetary soon to see if there is a family plot that may answer some questions.

I would love to hear from anyone who is connected to this line and share information.

I am researching the families of David C. Cagle: Georgia & Alabama

David C. Cagle was born in Georgia. He was first married to Catherine Baugh. After Catherine died, he then married Laura ???. I have been told that his second wife's full name was Sarah Laura Baugh and that she and Catherine may have been sisters. At some point, David and Laura moved their family to Alabama. My great-grandmother was the daughter of David and Catherine. Her name was Thanie Luthany (Lou) Cagle and she married William Shelton Smith. I would love to hear from anyone who thinks they may be connected to this line.

1 comment(s), latest 17 years, 5 months ago

Looking for Christopher David; Lucian; Herbert Kennedy families

Herbert and Lucian were born and died in Florida. The best I can tell, Lucian's father Christopher David was born in Alabama and moved to Florida where I think he died. I think at some point he also lived in South Carolina which is where his wife, Elizabeth Mink, was born. Lucian's wife was Mellie Mink and Herbert's first (?) wife was Stella Westberry.