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Christopher Francis DeSalis OToole Bluff New Zealand

Looking to locate the birth place of my great grandfather Christopher Francis DeSalis OToole
He arrived in new Zealand 1858 on board the brig Palmyra,which left Gravesend for Nelson /Bluff New Zealand he does not appear on the passenger list, but have been told he was a crew member. I have copy of his ship board diary kept through out the voyage .. I have copies of his marriage and death certs but they do not state where he was born
regards Kathy

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 3 months ago

Louguet Levy

I am looking for relatives of Charles Louguet, who was mayor of Invercargill New Zealand 1901/1902
He married Eleanor Lousie Humphries in 1896, they had two sons Charles and Stephen