patriciaB on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Looking for the parents of Alexander Elliot Roxburgh.

Hi there. First I must apol. for the extra journal entries this is my first time journaling and mucking up. Looking for the parents of Alexander Elliot and don't know how to go about it. My inform. is Alexander Elliot 1809-1895 marr.c 1834-6 to Mary Tait 1812-97
brn. Hobkirk Roxburghshire. brn.Lurgies Cleuch

They had nine children

Rachal brn 1836
John 1838-1909
William 1838
David 1842-1915 mar. Elizabeth Brown 1846-1917 two child.
Alexander 1869-1945, John brn 1880 Hawick Rox.
Elizabeth 1844-1923 marr. Walter Anderson 1853-1923.
Margaret 1847 James Johnston c1852 son George c1885
Walter 1849 Mary Kennedy c1851
Mary 1854
Agnes 1857-c1902 Joseph Murray c1856.

Hobkirk Rox could be the clue to where Alexander's father came from.

Hope this inform. is enough Cheers, Trish

2 comment(s), latest 15 years, 2 months ago

Looking for the parentsfather of Alexander Elliot

Hi Here, I'm looking for the father of

Looking for the parentsfather of Alexander Elliot

Hi Here, I'm looking for the father of