rchenier on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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GALLIN of Devon, England

In researching my family’s history I was thinking of a story my uncle told me about my great-grandmother, Elizabeth Haydon.

She had come to Canada to visit relatives and met my great-father, George Gallin, while she was visiting. They got married and she told my uncle years later that she used to cry herself to sleep some nights because she missed her family in Devon so much and never got back home to see them again. Such a poignant story.

I was reminded of this by our son who we have not seen in almost two years because of the pandemic. He told me that he will never again take it for granted that he can come home for a visit to see his family whenever he wanted to.

Our families memories should be cherished and I’m trying to learn about our family’s history and pass it along to our future generations.