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Looking for Frank Newman who resided at Ballina, New South Wales, Australia 1921

My biological grandfather was listed on his marriage certificate in 1921 as Frank Newman, aged 41 at the time, farmer, resident Ballina NSW, born Sydney, mother Mabel Newman (deceased), father unknown. By the age on the marriage certificate, he must have been born about 1880.

He married Bertha Ellen Gower at the Presbyterian Church manse, Ballina,on the 10th of March, 1921. He gave birth to a son and deserted his family while the child was still nursing.

I have not been able to find any further information and am wondering if anybody can help me find more records.

He may have remarried. Perhaps there may be a descendant of a Frank Newman for whom the few details given above fit.

8 comment(s), latest 12 years, 10 months ago