Frankhummel on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Hummels from Eningen, Germany

I have been fortunate to find my Hummel family line back to the late 1500 early 1600's.
They came from ENINGEN, which is located about 22 miles south of Stuttgart and 5 miles east of REUTLINGEN. Located on a map it is found 48o29' north latitude 9o15' east longitude.
I visited ENINGEN in 1993 and was treated like a visting king. Before going over, I had written to the Mayor and a few Hummels now living there. They opened the City Hall and Museum and gave me a personal tour. I went to the Church and was able to copy all the records that I needed.(at the Church office)
I was also able to purchase a book by GEORG SEEMULLER. This book lists the names of those living in ENINGEN from abour 1560 to 1800.
All this to say, if any one wishes to have me check for there names, please forward the information.
Remember-names from 1560 to 1800 only.

3 comment(s), latest 13 years, 11 months ago