nlrmadrid on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

nlrmadrid on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

Looking for the Riddle Family from Erie, PA

My paternal grandfather's family is from Erie, PA. My grandfather Jerome Riddle, Sr. had many brothers and sisters (Geraldine, Dennis, Rita, Robert...). I am looking to find information on his family.

Looking for Charlier Family Members from Binghamton, NY

Looking for information on my maternal grandfather's family. His name is Edward Charlier (1918 to 1986) and had approximately 9 brothers and sisters. They lived in Binghamton, NY.

Looking for Selinger Family of Erie, PA information

Looking to find relatives of my grandmother's (Jean Marie) family. Her sister's names are Lerena and Catherine. I know her father was a farmer in or near Erie PA in the late 1800s through mid 1900s.