wingersmum on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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looking for Janet Low Nicoll b 1891 perth, Scotland

She was my grandmother's first cousin. Her parents were Janet McGregor Low and David Gentle Nicoll.
I know my grandmother's cousin Jenny ? married Bert Gower and they had a son Hamish Mclaren Gower who married Joan?. Is Janet, Jenny? Any info on these two ladies and their families would be appreciated.

looking for john mclaren low/lowe. google groups has an old post 1997 from an art d lowe.

The email address is outdated.

re John McLaren Low.

1st generation- David Low and Helen Bisset
2nd generation - Peter Low and Margaret McLaren
3rd generation - John McLaren Low.(my great grandmother Margaret McLaren Low was his sister)

Art D Lowe is descended from John McLaren Low. (note surname now Lowe)
Any help in following the John McLaren Low line would be welcome.
Marilyn Owen

Ps. At the time of the post, Art Lowe was living in South Lyon, Michigan, USA. I do not have access to American records. I assume that John McLaren Low migrated to the USA. He is on the 1871 Scotland census.

Looking for Joseph Owens/ Owen of Ludlow, England

Joseph Owens b 1842 in Clee Hill, Ludlow, Shropshire, England married Mary Anne Anthony, children Reginald Anthony , Annie, Thomas, George Blanch, Joseph, James or (James Henry), Alice. All the childrens births were registered as Owens except James Henry which was registered as Owen. He migrated to Australia.
Any info on this family would be appreciated.

20 comment(s), latest 11 years, 11 months ago

looking for John Jolly of the Roundell, Muthill, Perth

John Jolly b 1943 in Muthill Perthshire Scotland. Parents Daniel Jolly and Ann Ritchie. Any info on marriage to Jane, surname unkown, as to date of marriage, where. Daniel and Jane had a son Daniel John Jolly b 24 Feb 1895 at 19 Shields Place, Dunkeld Road, Perth, Perthshire, Scotland. Jane may have come from Forfar?? Daniel and Jane are my great grandparents.
If someone can look up the marriage records that would be appreciated as I live in Australia.

4 comment(s), latest 12 years, 1 month ago

Looking for daniel john jolly of Perth, Perthshire

b 24 Feb 1895 at 19 Shields Place, Dunkeld Road, Perth, Perthshire, Scotland. My grandfather. Last heard of in London area? May have ended up in Australia? Last contact divorce from Margaret McLaren Ross in 1925. Possibly remarried. Any info most appreciated.

4 comment(s), latest 12 years, 1 month ago