TIPS N TRICKS: Using freeware PAF<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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TIPS N TRICKS: Using freeware PAF

Journal by allycat

Dear members,

At the beginning of 2006, I started properly sorting out all my 'family tree' stuff. It had been sitting all over the place and I had a lot of papers shoved in the biggest lever arch folder you ever saw.

I had access to the internet and with a few little key words typed in my google search engine, like 'genealogy' etc. I started a massive learning curve. To my surprise I discoverd that the ancestors had a strong grip on me as night after night I bashed away at my keyboard entering my family tree in this free family tree programme that someone told me about.

It was called Personal Ancestral File or PAF for short. Easily downloaded from, click on 'order/download products', then click on 'Software Downloads - Free', then choose Item # '77065000-S' Product 'Personal Ancestral File - Multi-Language (9.7 MB)' and follow the instructions to download/install it on your computer. It took me a while to get used to, but I now find it is brilliant.

I'm sure there are other programmes out there like FamilyTreeMaker etc but they can be expensive if this is just a hobby for you.


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by allycat Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2006-03-29 20:05:45

allycat , from sunny Queensland, Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Mar 2006. is researching the following names: VOSS, DENNER, DINNER and 610 other(s).

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