AuntieLila on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

AuntieLila on Family Tree Circles

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John and Mary Pringle Otago New Zealand

Recently I was randomly searching my family history. A hobby for 20+ years.

I was stunned to discover on this site, 2 Uncles and 1 Aunt on the PRINGLE side that I had never heard of!
The dates, names and location made total sense. But after the initial excitement I checked further and discovered it was not correct.
Who knew there could be two couples named John and Mary PRINGLE living in South Otago/Southland area around the same time! But there were.

John and Mary PRINGLE of Teviot had three children - recorded in Teviot Parish Baptisms, Parish Code 23/6 on Papers Past

George Henry 1903
John Leslie 1905
Elsie Madeline 1907

They are NOT the children of John and Mary Elizabeth Ann(ie) PRINGLE of Balfour, Southland

I would really appreciate if this incorrect information could be amended.

I don't know how to go about it.

8 comment(s), latest 7 years, 5 months ago