CORBETT Family Tree and CORBETT Genealogy Records

CORBETT Family Tree and CORBETT Genealogy Records

Last updated: 2021-07-23 | Researchers: 14 | Journals: 100
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Corbett, was first found in Pays de Caux,Normandy with a Norman Baron named "Corbet le Normand"(Corbet the Northman) he was born in early 11th century AD.The name Corbett roughly means "The Raven". And more than likely comes from the word "Corb",one of the variations of the Norman word for "Raven", which is believed to be related to the Scandinavians who believed that a Raven in the battlefield was a good omen and ensures victory, but it has not been confirmed if the Corbetts are of Scandinavian origin, because documents on the Corbett family only started in 1066 AD with the Dives-Sur-Mer list. Variants of the name: Corbet, Corbett, Corbitt, Corbit, Corbetts, Corbete, and possibly the varents of Corbin.

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2010 US Census data for CORBETT

This surname is in the top 162,000 names in the US Census from 2010. (There must be at least 100 to make the list).

There are 26246 CORBETT records listed in the 2010 US Census, and it is the Number 1346 ranked name. A CORBETT makes up 8.9 of every 100k people in the population.

Other US Census data for CORBETT
80.45% are White Alone (Non-Hispanic)
14.81% are Black Alone (Non-Hispanic Black or African American Alone)
2.2% are Hispanic or Latino origin
0.51% are Asian Alone (Non-Hispanic Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone)
0.46% are American Indian (Non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native Alone)
1.57% Non-Hispanic Two or More Races

CORBETT Family History and CORBETT Family Genealogy Journals

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picture HOLZ / HOLTZ deaths New Zealand 1883 - 2019
by ngairedith on 2011-05-30 16:01:49. page views: 3646, comments: 4
NAGORCKA Wilhelm married Minnie MIBUS 1902 Victoria Australia
by tonkin on 2021-07-23 01:30:02. page views: 1002, comments: 1
CORBETT'S of Grimsby, Lincolnshire.
by Marie Tuplin on 2011-02-27 14:58:57. page views: 2222, comments: 5
Corbitt of Florida
by Corline1655 on 2020-03-21 00:22:56. page views: 807, comments: 0
Seeking information on a John Copeland, born Queens County, Ireland abt 1810 or 1815.
by CatsGalore on 2019-12-15 08:19:26. page views: 985, comments: 2
I am seeking information on my Great Grandfather Thomas Corbett, whi married Anne Davies. When she died who did he marry"
by CatsGalore on 2019-12-15 08:11:07. page views: 1166, comments: 1
picture New Zealand's first ALL BLACKS rugby team - named the ORIGINALS in 1905
by ngairedith on 2010-09-03 05:27:51. page views: 13877, comments: 4
ZERBST Deaths Victoria Australia 1946-1985
by tonkin on 2019-08-12 07:52:36. page views: 2055, comments: 0
ALVES marriages 1850-1941 Victoria Australia
by tonkin on 2019-07-18 01:12:13. page views: 1493, comments: 0
ALVES Emanuel married Bridget CORBETT 1850
by tonkin on 2019-05-25 05:00:59. page views: 1240, comments: 0
USHER Deaths Victoria Australia 1894-1911
by tonkin on 2019-01-26 21:26:39. page views: 1584, comments: 0
USHER Deaths Victoria Australia 1875-1893
by tonkin on 2018-12-30 06:11:19. page views: 1682, comments: 0
YELLAND marriages 1901-1920 Victoria Australia
by tonkin on 2018-12-13 04:57:01. page views: 1539, comments: 0
USHER Deaths Victoria Australia 1853-1874
by tonkin on 2018-12-11 23:52:55. page views: 1985, comments: 0
SKELTON marriages 1853-1888 Victoria Australia
by tonkin on 2018-10-20 01:19:34. page views: 1956, comments: 0
MUSTEY marriages 1921-1941 Victoria Australia
by tonkin on 2018-10-17 03:23:06. page views: 1296, comments: 0
EGAN marriages 1860-1864 Victoria Australia
by tonkin on 2018-05-24 04:40:11. page views: 1548, comments: 0
CORBETT marriages (males) 1843-1878 Victoria Australia
by tonkin on 2014-09-01 19:35:06. page views: 2477, comments: 2
picture COOPER buried New Plymouth
by ngairedith on 2018-03-17 01:36:26. page views: 1930, comments: 0
VIZARD Deaths Victoria Australia 1866-1920
by tonkin on 2017-10-07 03:28:50. page views: 1740, comments: 0

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CORBETT links and resources

USA: Genealogy of Cheryl & Rob FUGATE, PA - 2006-10-15
Tipperary Emigrant Index 1856 to 1866 -->Australia - 2007-10-28
Poverty to Promise (Ireland to Australia) - 2010-02-04

Soundex Name Matches


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